District Board Retreat and Operating Policies




Leadership Team Members Pledge To:

Educate all children because it is our highest and absolute priority.

Develop, maintain, and advocate an appropriate, innovative, and creative learning environment for all students to maximize their learning.

Continually encourage and support professional staff development.

Demonstrate visible support of student programs and the mission of Watertown Public Schools.

Always conduct ourselves in a professional and positive manner.

Support the decisions of the Board even though it may not be the personal decision.

Support the implementation of procedures that are consistent with Board policy.

Attract & develop appropriate resources (financial, staff, community) necessary for our students to be successful in an ever-changing world.



Leadership Team Members Pledge To:

Commit to develop relationships based on a high level of trust and mutual respect.

Promote open and honest communication with all Board members and administrators with the ultimate goal of speaking with one voice.

Willingly communicate openly and honestly without any hidden objectives or personal motives.

Attend meetings and retreats with the intent to participate in a collaborative/decision making process.

Work with District stakeholders to develop a vision for quality education for students.

Evaluate the decision making process and operating principles of leadership team (Board and Administration) on an annual basis.

Utilize the decision making process of gathering facts, receiving input, analyzing/organizing the data, and developing multiple options while always looking at the impact on students, finances, staff, and community.

Evaluate personnel and programs annually.


Leadership Team Members Pledge To:

Follow the district policy regarding Citizen Concerns. 

Develop agendas cooperatively between the Superintendent, Board President, and/or Vice-President. 

Publicize Board meeting agendas to encourage meaningful dialogue.

Read and understand the documentation and information thoroughly before any decision-making activity occurs.

Utilize executive sessions consistent with state law.

Welcome input from the public during the scheduled public forum of the meeting while understanding that Board meetings occur in public but are not meetings of the public. 

Devote a portion of each meeting to a segment on student or staff success within the district.

Share information from Board committees. 

Allow for a place on Board agendas for Board members to offer reflections, suggestions, concerns or requests.



Leadership Team Members Pledge To:

Participate in periodic working board meetings for purposes of assessment, planning, vision, etc.

Attend regional, state, or national activities (as appropriate) and share information with stakeholders. 

Stay current with educational issues.



Leadership Team Members Pledge To:

Follow the district’s policy regarding chain of command with a high level of trust in and of team members.

Agree to operate as a team. 

Conduct ourselves in accordance with district policies. 



Leadership Team Members Pledge To:

Commit and support the planning and goal setting process and evaluate the progress at regular intervals.