Selected dates from Wikipedia's Timeline of Christianity


1 AD/CE First year in Christian calendar

28-36? Jesus' ministry, appointed Twelve Apostles, Sermon on the Mount, disturbance at Herod's Temple (Mark11:15-19), crucified on Friday, Nisan 14th, (Gospel of Peter,John,Mark14:2) or Nisan 15th (Synoptic Gospels) (7Apr30, 3Apr33, 30Mar36, possible Fri-14-Nisan dates, -Meier), resurrected by God, appeared to Paul of Tarsus, Simon Peter, Mary of Magdala, and others

321 Constantine decreed Sunday as state "day of rest" (CJ3.12.2), see also Sol Invictus

525 Dionysius Exiguus sets Christian calendar (a.d.) & Jesus' birth @ 23 Dec 1AD

1054 East-West Schism split between Eastern (Orthodox Christianity) and Western (Roman Catholic) churches formalized

1095-1291 10 Crusades, first called by Pope Urban II at Council of Clermont against Islamic empire to reconquer the Holy Land for Christendom

1347-1350 Black Death

1378-1418 Western Schism in Roman Catholicism

1380-1382 Wyclif's Bible, by John Wycliffe, eminent theologian at Oxford, NT in 1380, OT (with help of Nicholas of Hereford) in 1382, translations into Middle English, 1st complete translation to English, included deuterocanonical books, preached against abuses, expressed anti-catholic views of the sacraments (Penance and Eucharist), the use of relics, and Clerical celibacy

1455 Gutenberg Bible, first printed Bible, by Johann Gutenberg

1506 Pope Julius II orders the Old St. Peter's Basilica torn down and authorizes Donato Bramante to plan a new structure, demolition completed in 1606, Vatican Swiss Guard founded

1517 95 Theses of Martin Luther begins German Protestant Reformation

1530 Augsburg Confession, Luther founds the Lutheran Church

1534 Henry VIII established independent Church of England

1572 John Knox, founded Scotch Presbyterian Church, due to disagreement with Lutherans over sacraments and church government

1609 Baptist Church founded by John Smyth, due to objections to infant baptism and demands for church-state separation

1648 George Fox founds the Quaker movement

1693 Jacob Amman founder of Amish

1738 Methodist movement, led by John Wesley and his hymn-writing brother Charles, begins