REQUIRED: Speech or Debate I
CREDIT: 0.5 / 1.0
PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR BOTH 02205 DEBATE I AND 02403 ENGLISH 9 CP ACCELERATED)(.5/1.0 credit) Debate I is a challenging semester communications course, which stresses speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in the context of competitive policy debate. Anyone interested in taking Debate I should be strong in reading. Two teams of two people argue: one in favor of the topic, the other team against adoption of the topic. Students explore advanced research skills, listening skills, critical thinking skills, group discussion skills, persuasive speaking skills, and cross-examination skills. Individual events are another component, consisting of extemporaneous speaking (persuasive speeches that focus on a current event) and original oratory (an analytical persuasive speech on one topic that addresses problems and solutions). Parliamentary procedure is also covered in the context of a student congress. Participation in at least three out-of-class tournaments is required.