ELIGIBILITY: 10, 11, 12

PREREQUISITE:  Cabinetmaking



This advanced course goes deeper in to the study of cabinetmaking. This course is designed to meet
the student’s individual needs and develop stronger skills for careers in the cabinetmaking industry.
Each student will design, fabricate, finish, and evaluate a larger project. Students will learn more
advanced techniques, including making more advanced wood joints. Students will learn more about
the cabinet and furniture industries and look at them as possible career options. Students will complete
a research project on a related topic of interest. Students will have fieldtrip opportunities to learn about
our local industry. Materials and supplies to meet the project requirements are provided. Materials
beyond the requirements are the students’ responsibility. Projects will be on display through the
teacher’s website. Students are invited to participate in SkillsUSA to demonstrate their skills and
leadership. Articulation credits with SD technical schools are available.