ELIGIBILITY:  10,11, 12

PREREQUISITE:  Electronics I

CREDIT:  1 (2nd semester)

Students will work with Vex Robotics to teach them mechanical designs and what an engineer does on
a daily basis. Students will learn fluid power, basic motor controls, mechanical systems and circuit
design. Students will learn about AC voltages, power supplies, regulators, and transistor applications.
The students also will do advanced projects and kits that include building a working AM/FM radio and
fabricating their own circuit board from scratch. This course takes students deeper in to the Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Manufacturing career clusters. Students will
explore careers in engineering and electronics in the manufacturing, automotive and aviation
industries. Students are invited to participate in SkillsUSA to demonstrate their skills and leadership.
Articulation credits with SD technical schools are available.