Do you like to work with people? Are you interested in
careers that provide services, help and/or teach
a variety of people? Human Services will expose students to the Human Services,
Education and
Training, and Law, Public Safety and Security career clusters. Students will
learn about careers in the
following career pathways: family and community services, early childhood
development and services,
counseling and mental health services, personal care services, consumer
services, teaching and
training, law enforcement services, and correction services. Students will learn
communication skills,
how family and social relationships are formed, developmental stages of humans,
decision-making and
problem-solving skills, and other skills needed to be in a “people-oriented”
field. Students will hear
from professionals in various career areas, as well as participate in local
tours, and on-the-job
placements. Students will become Red Cross certified in First Aid/CPR. Students
will learn job
placement skills and how to complete college and scholarship applications.
Students are invited to
participate in SkillsUSA to demonstrate their skills and leadership.
Articulation credits with SD
technical schools are available.