Managing Your Files and Saving Your Work


Saving to the Ifolder

Students will be logging onto our network in order to back up their work.  Students will have their own user account and folder on the network with ample space to back up any school-related work.


The laptops will be set up with an Ifolder in which students should save their work.  The Ifolder will automatically save a copy of all student documents saved to the Ifolder to the high school server while they are on the high school network.  When a student adds a document to the Ifolder while working at home or away from school, that document will be copied automatically to the school server when the student logs onto the network at school.


Additional folders in the Ifolder  may be created or added by the student. All student work should be stored in the Ifolder.


Only files stored in the Ifolder will be automatically backed up and saved.  Student work saved to a different location on the computer will not be saved to the high school server.


Saving data to Removable storage devices

Students should also backup all of their work at least once each week using removable file storage.  Removable memory cards may be purchased at a local retailer.  The computer’s 6-in-1 memory card reader will read the following types of memory cards:


It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that work is not lost due to mechanical failure or accidental deletion. Computer malfunctions are not an acceptable excuse for not submitting work.