Repairing or Replacing Your Laptop Computer


Gateway Warranty

This coverage is purchased by the Watertown School District as part of the purchase price of the equipment. Gateway warrants the laptops from defects in materials and workmanship. This limited warranty covers normal use, mechanical breakdown or faulty construction and will provide replacement parts necessary to repair the laptop or laptop replacement. The Gateway warranty does not warrant against damage caused by misuse, abuse, accidents or computer viruses.  Please report all laptop problems to the technology Help Desk located in room 502.


Accidental Damage Protection

The Watertown School District has purchased through Gateway coverage to protect the laptops against accidental damage such as: liquid spills, accidental drops, power surges, and natural disasters. This coverage does not provide for damage caused by fire, theft, loss, misuse, intentional or frequent damage or cosmetic damage.  Gateway will assess the laptop damage and repair or replace the machine at no cost if the damage is determined to be accidental, infrequent, and within the protection guidelines. The laptop is covered with a three-year Gateway Warranty and Accidental Protection Plan.  WHS technicians will service repairs and replacements for detective parts and acts of accidental damage.  Please report all laptop problems to the technology Help Desk located in room 502.


School District Protection

School District Protection is available for students and parents to cover laptop replacement in the event of theft, loss, or accidental damage by fire.  The protection cost is $25.00 annually for each laptop with a maximum cost of $50.00 per family and includes a $200.00 additional charge for each claim. 


Students or parents may wish to carry their own personal insurance to protect the laptop in cases of theft, loss, or accidental damage by fire.  Please consult with your insurance agent for details about your personal coverage of the laptop computer.



All insurance claims must be reported to the Principal's Office.  Students or parents must file a police or fire report and bring a copy of the report to the principal’s office before a laptop can be repaired or replaced with School District Protection.


Fraudulent reporting of theft, loss, or accidental damage by fire will be turned over to the police and insurance company for prosecution.  A student making a false report will also be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Uniform Code of Behavior.  The District will work with the Watertown Police Department to alert pawnshops and police departments in the area to be aware of this District-owned equipment.