Student Pledge for Laptop Use



  1. I will take good care of my laptop and know that I will be issued the same laptop each year.
  2. I will never leave the laptop unattended.
  3. I will never loan out my laptop to other individuals.
  4. I will know where my laptop is at all times.
  5. I will charge my laptop's battery daily.
  6. I will keep food and beverages away from my laptop since they may cause damage to the computer.
  7. I will not disassemble any part of my laptop or attempt any repairs.
  8. I will protect my laptop by only carrying it while in the bag provided or an approved case.
  9. I will use my laptop computer in ways that are appropriate and educational.
  10. I will not place decorations (such as stickers, markers, etc.) on the District laptop.
  11. I understand that my laptop is subject to inspection at any time without notice and remains the property of the Watertown School District.
  12. I understand and agree to follow the criteria described in the Laptop Reward System.
  13. I will follow the policies outlined in the Laptop Handbook and the Use of Technology Resources Policy while at school, as well as outside the school day.
  14. I will file a police report in case of theft, vandalism, and other acts covered by insurance.
  15. I will be responsible for all damage or loss caused by neglect or abuse.
  16. I agree to pay for the replacement of my power cords, battery, or laptop case in the event any of these items are lost or stolen.
  17. I agree to return the District laptop and power cords in good working condition.



Student Name: ____________________________________ (Please Print)



Student Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______________



Parent Signature: __________________________________ Date: _______________