All students at Watertown High School will be allowed a maximum of 10 absences per block, per semester.


Parents may request that their children be excused from school for the following reasons:    

1.           Parent or Family Request:  Student illness, weddings, funerals, and special family events. The school reserves the right to determine whether or not an absence is excused.  If the family/student does not wish to state the reason for the absence, the student may be assigned an unexcused absence for the period(s) absent.

2.          Family Vacation:  All absences of this classification must be requested within reasonable advance notice by the parent or guardian.  The student’s parent/guardian must telephone the attendance office at 882-6354 or visit the assistant principals’ offices stating why and when the student will be absent. Failure to do so may result in the absence being considered unexcused.  

1.      After the student’s parent/guardian has contacted the school, the student must complete a Planned Absence request form at the attendance window.

2.      The Planned Absence sheet must be presented to each teacher prior to the student’s absence to allow them to record advance assignments.  Each teacher will also sign the sheet.

3.      Students will complete work that will be missed in the time specified by the teacher.

3.         Inclement Weather or Poor Road Conditions:  On days of bad weather, parents will have to use their own discretion in sending their children to school.  Road and weather conditions may vary from one end of the school district to the other.

4.         Religious Holidays

5.         Special circumstances upon prior approval by the administration


Any absence other than those listed above may be considered truancy or unexcused.





A Documented Excused Absence is defined as missing one or more periods of class due to a medical appointment, legal appointment, or post-secondary school visit.  Documented absences will not be included in the maximum number of days a student may be absent from school.


1.      Medical, Dental, and Legal Appointments


a.      Medical, dental, and legal appointments that cannot be scheduled after school hours and are necessary to be scheduled during the school day will be excused.  Extended illnesses which can be documented by a physician’s authorization will not be counted against the number of absences allowed each quarter. If the school requests, written verification must be provided by the physician’s office, dentist’s office, or court services’ office stating the time and length of the appointment.

b.    After a student has accumulated 10 absences in a semester and cannot attend school, the student must provide the school with a written medical or legal excuse, signed by a doctor or attorney stating the reason why the student cannot be in school.  If the student fails to provide the proper documentation, the absence will become unexcused and subject to the consequences of the attendance policy. 

c.     In instances of chronic or irregular absence reportedly due to illness, the school administration may request a physician’s statement certifying such absences as to be justifiable.


2.      Post Secondary Visitations


a.      Seniors will be allowed to visit a college, university, or technical school two days during the school year without being counted absent from school, as long as the visit is verified or made by a WHS guidance counselor in student services.  Beginning with the third and all subsequent such visits, the students will be counted absent from school. 

b.      A post-secondary visitation form will be used that the counselor, student, and parent will sign to grant permission for the visitation.  The counselor will then submit this form to the attendance office to notify them of the student’s upcoming absence.

c.      The student must make arrangements to get all of their homework in advance of their absence.    Students with academic, attendance, or discipline issues may be denied the opportunity to make post-secondary visitations.

d.      Many post-secondary and military recruiters visit our school each year.  These visits will be announced in advance and those students who choose to attend must sign up with the guidance counselors in student services and receive permission from their classroom teacher(s).





Students who have a perfect attendance record each quarter of the year will earn rewards during the following quarter. Perfect attendance is defined as attending school each quarter without accumulating any tardies or absences.  School activities do not count as an absence.