1.      An Unexcused Absence is defined as a school day or period for which a student chooses to skip an academic or non-academic period, fails to obtain a documented excused absence or is assigned an Out-of-School Suspension or In-School Suspension as a result of inappropriate behavior. 

2.      Examples of absences considered unexcused would include haircuts, tanning appointments, shopping, oversleeping, sleeping in after an activity, studying for another class, in the school building and not in the assigned classroom, work, “skip days”, etc.

3.      Exceeding 10 absences in a block each semester may result in a referral to legal authorities for violation of compulsory attendance laws.

4.      Students who accumulate more than 10 absences in block each semester may be assigned to detention.





1.      Each time a student chooses to skip a class or fails to obtain a documented excused absence when necessary, the student will be assigned to detention before or after school to make up the time that was missed.  The student may also lose open lunch or Senior Privileges.

2.      If the student chooses not to attend the detention, the student will receive additional disciplinary consequences.  The student may be referred to law enforcement for truancy, may be assigned ISS, and may be required to attend an after school meeting with parents and administration.

3.      Students assigned to ISS are required to complete the work assigned in classes during their time in ISS. Students will receive credit for the completed assignments from that day.

4.   Students assigned OSS may be placed in After School Study Hall to complete work missed during the OSS.