Classroom Offenses:  Incidents which disturb or disrupt the educational process in the classroom.



1.       Classroom Disturbances:  Behavior which distracts from the educational process and disrupts the learning environment.


2.       Failure to Serve Classroom Detention: Failure to appear for detention at the time assigned or expected by the teacher or administrator.  Also includes leaving or being dismissed before the entire detention has been served.


3.       Insubordination/Disrespect: Student conduct deemed as unwillingness to submit to authority, refusal to respond to a reasonable request, or situations in which the student is shown to be habitually disobedient.


4.       Profanity / Graffiti: Use of obscene language or communication that is verbal, written or graphic.  Communication with sexual overtones and innuendo are included.  In addition the writing on school property in a way which does not permanently damage said property.


5.       Tardy to Class: Students are tardy to class if they are not in their assigned classroom when the tardy bell rings.