School Offenses:  Incidents which take place in the halls, cafeteria, parking lot, school grounds, school buses, or at school activities which disturb or disrupt the educational process or violate an individual’s rights and are not in the best interest of the school.



1.      Computer Laptop Damage/Repair:  Damage to a computer laptop as a result of negligence or failing to follow WHS Laptop Handbook policies and requires repair by an authorized service technician.


2.      Computer Laptop Violation:  Prohibited activities as outlined in the Use of Technology Resources Policy.


3.      Electronic Devices Violation: Accessing, using, or sharing cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices which are unnecessary for school purposes during the school day.


4.      Failure to Serve Office Detention:  Failure to appear for detention at the time assigned or expected by the assistant principal or principal.  Also includes leaving or being dismissed before the entire detention has been served.


5.      Falsifying Information: Incidents which are designed to deceive teachers, administrators, or other authorities including falsifying an admit slip, falsifying a parent phone call to excuse an absence or falsely using another student’s ID.


6.      Inappropriate Dress: Students are expected to dress with standards that enhance a learning environment.  Profanity and suggestive themes, such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sex, death, suicide, violence, or other dress that is provocative or distracting to the learning environment (including hats), will not be permitted.


7.      Instigating:  Agitating a situation that may cause or escalate a conflict between others.


8.      Leaving Without Authorization: Leaving the high school building or multi-district building to go to another place without permission of the school nurse, assistant principal, principal, or counselor.  Parents/guardians must be contacted and give consent before the student may be dismissed from school.


9.      Profanity / Graffiti: Use of obscene language or communication that is verbal, written or graphic.  Communication with sexual overtones and innuendo are included.  In addition the writing on school property in a way which does not permanently damage said property.