1.      Bullying:  Teasing, taunting, coercive behavior, humiliation, or similar conduct that occurs repeatedly over time and constitutes interference with an individual’s rights or school purposes.


2.      Cheating / Plagiarism: The act of deception or fraud; claiming a dishonest gain.  Altering marks, letter grades or percentages, and stealing another student’s or authors work, without giving credit, are included.  In all instances of cheating or plagiarism, no credit will be allowed.


3.      Excessive CRS: Accumulating 5, 10, 15, or 20 assignments of Classroom Suspension.  Excessive CRS accumulates all class period CRS assignments together per quarter term.


4.      Insubordination / Disrespect: Student conduct deemed as failure to follow directions, failure to accept criticism or consequences, inability to disagree appropriately or situations in which the student is shown to be habitually disobedient.


5.      Sexual Harassment:  Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other physical or verbal conduct or communication of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.


6.      Skipping/Truancy: The act of staying away from class without permission or reasonable cause, choosing to attend a class scheduled at a different time without permission of the teachers or remaining in the building unsupervised.  Skipping may also include failure to attend detention at the time and date assigned, arriving late for detention, or choosing to leave detention before the full time has been served.


7.      Threats:  Physical, verbal, or written action which immediately creates fear of harm without physical attack.