1.      Alcohol Consumption/Possession,  and

2.      Drug Consumption/Possession: Using, possessing, selling, dispensing, or being under the influence of any mood altering drugs, alcohol, or possessing drug paraphernalia at school, on school property, or at a school sponsored activity.  Law Enforcement Authorities will be notified to administer appropriate legal consequences.


3.      Arson:  The act of setting fire to school property or personal property within a school building to cause destruction of said property.


4.      Computer Network Violation: Prohibited activities as outlined in the Use of Technology Resources Policy.


5.      Endangerment to Life: Any negligent or reckless behavior, terroristic threat, or hoax which could endanger a person’s life or be capable of causing significant physical harm to an individual or the disruption of the school system.


6.      Grand Theft: Stealing or attempting to steal private or school property valued at or in excess of $500.


7.      Weapons: A dangerous weapon is defined as any firearm, or air gun, knife or device, instrument, material or, substance, whether animate or inanimate, which is calculated or designed to inflict death or serious bodily harm, or by the manner in which it is used is likely to inflict death or bodily harm.  (BOE Policy JDDAA)


Because it is not possible to list every inappropriate behavior that occurs, the administration and staff reserve the right to administer alternative consequences to inappropriate behaviors not included in this code.