The bulletin board next to the entrance of the cafeteria serving line is for student information.  Announcements placed there can be of a general nature not necessarily related to school activities.  All other bulletin boards in the building are for announcements related to school.  All posted announcements must be approved by the principal.


It is your responsibility to notify the attendance office if your address, telephone number, guardian’s name or other personal data changes so that all records remain current and beneficial to you.

COMPUTER information – use of technology resources policy


The Watertown School District is pleased to offer students, faculty, and staff access to technology resources for schoolwork and enrichment activities.  The purpose of the Watertown School District’s technology resources is to provide additional educational resources and communication tools for students and teachers.  These resources will help teachers to facilitate education and research consistent with the objectives of the Watertown School District. 


Definition – Technology Resources

The Watertown School District’s technology resources include but are not limited to the following resources:  network, Internet, computer hardware, software, printers, servers, stored text, data files, electronic mail, optical media, digital images, and new technologies as they become available.



The use of the Watertown School District’s technology resources is a privilege, not a right.  The privilege of using the technology resources provided by the WSD is not transferable or extendible by students to people or groups outside the district and terminates when a student is no longer enrolled in the Watertown School District.  This policy is provided to make all users aware of the responsibilities associated with efficient, ethical, and lawful use of technology resources.  If a person violates any of the User Terms and Conditions named in this policy, privileges may be terminated, access to the school district technology resources may be denied, and the appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied.  The Watertown School District’s Uniform Code of Behavior shall be applied to student infractions.


User Terms and Conditions


The use of Watertown School District’s technology resources is subject to the following terms and conditions:


  1. The use of technology resources must be for educational and/or research purposes consistent with the mission, goals, and objectives of the Watertown School District along with State & Federal regulations.  In compliance with federal law, the school district shall make reasonable effort to restrict access to inappropriate materials and shall monitor the on-line activities of the end users in the school environment.


  1. User accounts are considered the property of the school district.  Network administrators may review school computers to maintain system integrity and to insure that users are using the system responsibly.  While user files will not be examined without reasonable cause, users should not expect that anything stored on school computers or networks will be private.


  1. Prohibited technology resources activities include, but are not limited to, the following:


Computer Laptop Violations:

    1. Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing offensive, profane, threatening, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials.
    2. Downloading or transmitting multi-player game, music, or video files using the school network.
    3. Vandalizing, damaging, or disabling property of the school or another individual or organization.
    4. Accessing another individual’s materials, information, or files without permission.
    5. Using the network or Internet for commercial, political campaign, or financial gain purposes.
    6. Releasing files, home address, personal phone numbers, passwords, or other vital accessing information to others.
    7. Promoting or soliciting for illegal activities.
    8. Attempting to repair, remove or install hardware components reserved for an authorized service technician.
    9. Violating copyright or other protected material laws.
    10. Subscribing to mailing lists, mass e-mail messages, games, or other services that generate several messages that can slow the system and waste other users’ time and access.
    11. Intentionally wasting school resources.


Consequences:  1st offense – Office intervention or 5 day computer laptop suspension

                    2nd offense – 10 day computer laptop suspension

                    3rd offense – Laptop suspended for remainder of quarter or not less than 10 days.


         Computer Network Violations:

a.       Attempting to log on to the Internet or network (servers, routers, switches, printers, firewall) as a system administrator.

b.      Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing pornographic or sexually explicit materials.

c.       Installing, enabling, launching, or creating programs that interfere with the performance of the network, internet, or hardware technology resources.

d.      Creating, uploading, or transmitting computer viruses.

e.      Attempting to defeat computer or network security.


Consequences:  Suspension of laptop computer, referral to law enforcement authorities, and possible long term suspension or recommended expulsion from school.


  1. Watertown School District does not guarantee that its technology resources will be uninterrupted or error-free; nor does it make any warranty as to the results to be obtained from use of the service or the accuracy or quality of the information obtained on or by the network.  Access to the network is provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind.  Neither the school district nor any of its agents or employees shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the network or Internet.


  1. Users shall be responsible for any costs, fees, charges, or expenses incurred under the person’s account in connection with the use of the network or Internet except such costs, fees, charges, and expenses as the school district explicitly agrees to pay.


  1.  Any security or equipment problems arising from the use of technology resources must be reported to the Computer Help Desk or Principal’s Office.


  1. Students will be held responsible for maintaining their individual school computers and keeping them in good working order.
    1. Computer batteries must be charged and ready for school each day.
    2. Only labels or stickers approved by the Watertown School District may be applied to the computer.
    3. Computer bags furnished by the school district must be returned with only normal wear and no alterations to avoid paying a bag replacement fee.
    4. Computers that malfunction or are damaged must first be reported to the Computer Help Desk located in room 502.  The school district will be responsible for repairing computers that malfunction.  Computers that have been damaged from normal use or accidentally will be repaired with no cost or minimal cost to the student.  Students will be entirely responsible for the cost of repairs to computers that are damaged intentionally.


Accidental laptop damage:  Students who have recorded 3 or more instances of accidental laptop damage may be asked to check their laptop in at the Help Desk after school.  Laptops may be checked out again before classes begin the next day.   Special permission to take a laptop home for class work may be permitted by the student’s teacher.


    1. Computers that are stolen must be reported immediately to the Principal’s Office and the police department.
    2. Individual school laptop computers and accessories must be returned to the WHS Help Desk at the end of each school year.  Students who graduate early, withdraw, are suspended or expelled, or terminate enrollment at WHS for any other reason must return their individual school laptop computer on the date of termination.


If a student fails to return the computer at the end of the school year or upon termination of enrollment at WHS, that student will be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability.  The student will also pay the replacement cost of the computer, or, if applicable, any insurance deductible.  Failure to return the computer will result in a grand theft report being filed with the Watertown Police Department. 


Furthermore, the student will be responsible for any damage to the computer, consistent with the District’s Laptop Computer Protection plan and must return the computer and accessories to the WHS Help Desk in satisfactory condition.  The student may be charged a fee for any needed repairs not to exceed the replacement cost of the computer.

COUNSELING PROGRAM / student services

The counselors are available to help students work through problems that they may encounter in or out of school and to supply information regarding vocational opportunities, technical or trade schools, college admission and scholarships.  There are many brochures, bulletins and college catalogs that may be used in the counseling office or that may be checked out.  Various tests are given throughout the school year, administered by the counseling department.  The following is a list of the types of tests that are given:

*Educational Development Test        *Various Aptitude Tests         *National Scholarship Tests

*Interest Tests                                    *General Abilities Test          *College Entrance Examinations


The counseling office is open to all students between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM.  Students must make arrangements with their teacher and a counselor prior to class if they plan to counsel during a class.


1.      No cost to the Watertown School District can be incurred while registering or taking these classes.

2.      All courses must have prior approval of the counselor and /or principal.

3.      Such courses may not replace any course that already exists in the high school curriculum.

4.      Students must have exhausted all high school curriculum in the specific area requested before such a course will be approved.


Dances – PROM & TUCKS

1.      Only current high school seniors and juniors are invited to participate in the grand march and dance.

2.      Watertown students may invite a high school senior or junior from another school.  A Prom or Tucks guest authorization slip must be completed before the couple will be admitted to the event.  WHS seniors and juniors may attend the Prom without a guest.

3.      All Prom and Tucks guests are expected to be dressed in formal attire for the duration of the event.

4.      Grand march registration will begin three weeks prior to the dance.  Registration must be completed one week prior to the event.

5.      Photos should be completed before the grad march.  NO spectators will be allowed back onto the arena floor after the grand march.

6.      Once a student leaves the event, he/she will not be readmitted.

7.      In appropriate conduct will be handled by the school according to the Uniform Code of Behavior.



Restrictions on a student’s dress and grooming are necessary when they create danger to a student’s health & safety, interfere with the educational process, or disrupt school or school activities.  Students may not wear clothing or hair styles that are hazardous to themselves or to others.  Grooming and dress which prevent students from doing their best work because of restricted vision or movements, or which create a disruption of classroom activities, will be discouraged. 

1.      Clothing should be neat and clean to meet general standards of health, safety, and decency.

2.      Clothing containing prison affiliations, alcohol, tobacco, or drug advertising symbols, or that has markings, pictures, or lettering that convey profane, obscene, immoral meanings or sexual innuendo will not be permitted.  Students may not wear clothing that displays profanity, obscenities, promotes alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, is sexually suggestive, is provocative, or is so bizarre that it distracts other students from focusing on classroom tasks.

3.      Jackets and coats will not be allowed in classrooms without teacher approval.

4.      Caps, hats, scarves, bandanas, and headgear are to be removed and hoods are to be lowered upon entering the school building.

5.      Hair should be neat and clean and of such length, where required, to meet safety and health standards (examples: industrial arts or family and consumer science labs).

6.      Footwear is required of all students.  (Slippers and footwear with wheels are not allowed)

7.      Students may not wear clothing that is revealing.  Shorts and skirts must reach mid-thigh, and not be shorter than the student’s extended fingertips.

8.      Garments that are cut low, or expose one’s midriff or clothing that exposes undergarments will not be permitted.  Shirts/tops must have shoulder straps that are at least one inch wide.

9.      Large chains on clothing, chains connected to students’ wallets, and accessories with large spikes will not be allowed


Students are prohibited from using personal electronic devices which might disrupt or interfere with educational purposes in the building.  Prohibited electronic items include but are not limited to cellular phones and pagers.


When the fire signal is sounded, students MUST leave their respective classrooms.  All books should be left in the building.  Do not attempt to go to your locker for coats.  If the alarm should ring during assembly, leave by the nearest exit.  STUDENTS ARE NOT TO RETURN TO THE BUILDING AGAIN UNTIL THE RECALL BELL IS SOUNDED.


Freshman:       1st year of high school

Sophomore:    completed 1 year of high school

Junior:             completed 2 years of high school and earned 12 or more credits

Senior:             completed 3 years of high school and earned 12 or more credits


Report cards are issued after the close of each quarter.  Incomplete work, indicated by an “I,” must be made up within 5 school days after the close of the quarter or the quarter grade becomes an “F.”   The grades “W,” “S,” and “U” are not used in class rank or grade point average computation. The grade F/W earned when a student withdraws from a class after the 20th day of class is calculated into a student’s grade point average with zero points awarded.  Report cards also contain attendance information.  If you believe an error has been recorded for your grades or attendance history, please contact the principal’s office as soon as possible to make a correction.


Percentile Scale (Standard): 100% to 92% = A     91% to 84% = B     83% to 76% = C    75% to 68% = D    67% to 0 = F.


For the purpose of determining grade point averages for individual and cumulative classes the four point grade system is utilized: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0.  The grade point average in each class is computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the number of letter grades given in that class.  The cumulative grade point average for a quarter, semester, year, or total high school career is determined by adding the total grade points earned divided by the total number of grades recorded on the transcript.


A bonus grading system will be implemented for all advanced placement classes.  The bonus system allows students to earn the following additional points on a cumulative GPA calculation for each letter grade earned in an Advanced Placement course: A=.021, B=.011, C=.006.


Students will need 24 credits to earn a diploma and graduation privileges. To earn a high school diploma and graduate from WHS the following number of credits must be earned in each subject area:


                                    2008                2009                2010                2011

English                                                 4                        4                       4                     4

Speech / Debate                                 0.5                     0.5                    0.5                  0.5

Mathematics                                        3                        3                       3                     3

Science                                                3                        3                       3                     3

Social Studies                                      3.5                     3.5                    3.5                  3.5

Economics or Personal Finance         0.0                     0.0                    0.5                  0.5

Computer Science                              0.5                     0.5                    0.5                  0.5

Fine Arts                                             1                        1                       1                     1

Health and Wellness                          0.5                     0.5                    0.5                   0.5

Elective Courses                                 8                        8                       7.5                   7.5       

Total Credits Required

for Graduation                                24                          24                     24                    24




Students at Watertown High School are encouraged to remain in school for the full four academic years.  However, students who choose to consider early graduation would need to meet the following criteria.

1.      Complete a minimum of seven semesters.

2.      Early graduates must have completed a minimum of two semesters of attendance at Watertown High School.

3.      Complete an audit of course requirements with Student Services to determine if enough credits exist to graduate.  No correspondence courses will be included for early graduation.

4.      Arrange a conference with the principal and parents prior to registration for the student’s senior year.

5.      Early graduates may not attend the graduation ceremony with their class in the spring of the year.

6.      Early graduates in the second semester are no longer students at WHS and may not participate in school events.

7.      Complete all senior course requirements during the first semester of the senior year.



Any student having a grade point of 3.0 or better for the quarter will be on the scholastic honor roll.  Grade points are determined as follows:  A = four points, B = three points, C = two points, D = one point, F or I = zero points. Final quarter and semester grades are used in computation of class grade point average (GPA).  Class rank is determined by the cumulative GPA (with bonus points added) from grades 9-12.



For students enrolled in the voluntary insurance program, when an injury occurs, the insurance claim form may be picked up in the Athletic Director’s Office.



Each student is assigned a locker with a combination lock for the duration of the year.  The locker combination should not be given to others.  Lockers are the property of Watertown Public Schools, and they may be checked at any time by faculty or administration.



Lost articles are brought to the principal’s office where they may be identified and claimed.



All Junior and Senior students are allowed to leave school for lunch.  The following rules apply to the WHS open lunch policy:

1.      Loitering in the academic halls will not be allowed.

2.      Students returning to school tardy from lunch, or creating disturbances in the hall, parking lot, or cafeteria may have open lunch privileges suspended.

3.      Students with privileges who choose to remain on campus must report to the cafeteria or a teacher’s classroom with whom they have made arrangements previously.

4.      Parents may suspend their child’s open lunch privileges at any time.


Rules for the Cafeteria

1.      Pay for your lunch with cash or use your electronic funds account.  Each student will be given a personal identification number for their lunch account.  Money may be deposited into the account any day during the lunch period.

2.      Trays, silverware, and refuse should be returned to the proper containers in the east hallway as soon as the student has finished eating.

3.      Students who wish to leave the cafeteria during lunch must receive permission from one of the cafeteria supervisors.

4.      Students are encouraged to use good table manners, keep the cafeteria clean for other students, and to put chairs back in place before leaving the cafeteria.

5.      Students will be released from the cafeteria with sufficient time to use the restrooms, go to their lockers, and report to class on time.

6.      Students without open lunch privileges may only leave for lunch when accompanied by their parent or guardian.  The parent or guardian must report to the attendance window prior to leaving with the student.

7.      Students who do not have open lunch privileges but choose to skip school during the lunch period will be given consequences as outlined in the Uniform Code of Behavior.



1.      Parking on the school grounds will be considered a privilege; therefore, students not observing good driving habits and proper conduct on the parking lot will lose their privilege. 

2.      Students may park on the west side of the high school.

3.      No student vehicle is to be parked in Visitor Parking Spaces, Handicapped Spaces, in the east parking lot or adjacent to any yellow painted curb.  Students parking in these spaces will be subject to a $15.00 citation issued by the Watertown Police Department or WHS Campus Security.

4.      Seniors who have been given a student parking tag have permission to park in the east parking lot from the entrance of the parking lot to the south end of the auxiliary gym.

5.      Please do not park in the areas designated for the Boys and Girls Club or Recreation Center.

6.      One way traffic is enforced in the parking lot and driveway on the west side of WHS.



At any time that your work or attendance is unsatisfactory, your teachers will send notification to your parents.  Your parents are invited to confer with your teachers at any time they desire to do so.



Any sale or distribution of products for fund-raisers, clubs or other organizations either for the school or for organizations outside of the school, must be approved by the principal before such solicitations begin.  Students selling items during class instruction time is strongly discouraged.  Advisors are requested to consult with the principal before the final decision about products to be sold for fund-raising is made.



Students who wish to add a class to their schedule should meet with a counselor before the class begins.  Students may attempt to add courses to replace a study hall or open block to challenge themselves academically any time during the school year.  Adding a course will be subject to seat availability. 


Students who wish to drop a class or substitute one class for another must meet first with the principal.  All course withdrawals and course substitutions must be approved by the principal.  Schedule changes will only be allowed for one of three reasons:  (1) The school made an error in entering the student’s requests in the computer; (2) The student failed a prerequisite course; or (3) A change has occurred in the student’s mental or physical ability to complete the courses registered for.  Student and parent cooperation in this important registration process is necessary to provide the very best educational opportunity possible.  Students must register for a minimum of 6 credits each year.



A permanent record of your grades, attendance and punctuality is constantly being recorded.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for what this recorded history says about you.  You create your permanent school record by the choices you make your teachers and administrators simply record it.  Employers, post-secondary educational institutions, and governmental agencies will ask you to furnish copies of this record during your lifetime.  Make sure your record says the very best about you.  Future employers are interested in more than grades – attendance, punctuality and attitude are important qualities sought by employers.  Seniors planning on attending an institute of higher education must request a Final Transcript before records will be transferred.  Contact the Registrar in the principal’s office for sending final transcripts.



In their senior year, students may earn the privilege of leaving campus any time they are not assigned to a classroom by meeting the following criteria:


     Senior Privilege Criteria

1)      A minimum cumulative academic GPA of 2.0

2)      An accumulation of 17 earned credits

3)      Completion of three years of high school


Seniors who do not meet the senior privilege criteria will be assigned to study hall.  Seniors may earn privileges by passing classes their senior year.   Senior privileges may be revoked and the student assigned to study hall at any time by administrators or parents.  Senior privileges will be suspended and the student will be assigned to study hall for irresponsible or improper conduct including skipping, excessive tardiness, and leaving without authorization.



It is the policy of Watertown School District No. 14-4 that sexual harassment is unacceptable and shall not be tolerated and that no member of the School District community may sexually harass another.  Students will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of this policy and will be referred to law enforcement authorities.  Sexual harassment is herein defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature and constitutes sexual harassment when:


1.      submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s education;

2.      submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting such individual; or

3.      such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment.


Students who feel he or she has been subject to sexual harassment should report the incident immediately to his or her teacher, principal or counselor, depending on involvement of the listed individuals.  Resolutions of complaints or problems may be pursued informally or formally at the option of the person who feels he or she has been subject to sexual harassment.



Students should exercise care when given the opportunity to use school materials.  If school materials or property are accidentally or intentionally destroyed or stolen, students may be charged fines for the replacement or repair of the school property or materials.  Students are also responsible for paying all overdue charges for library materials.  Fines must be paid to the Watertown Senior High School before a diploma will be issued.



A grievance is defined as a written complaint lodged by a student with a member of the staff or administration alleging one or more of the following unfair practices:


1.      That a school rule or regulation discriminates between students based on sex, age, race, color, religion, national origin, or handicap, or

2.      That an unfair procedure has been used in arriving at punishment.


If a student feels that he/she has been treated unfairly, a grievance may be presented in writing to the principal.  The grievance procedure will then proceed as follows:


Level  1:  Principal

 The school principal will schedule an informal discussion of said grievance.  Many grievances may be resolved at this level.  The principal must hold a conference within five days time of the date of filing.

Level 2:  Superintendent

 If a student is not satisfied with the resolution made at level one, the student may appeal in writing to the superintendent.  The superintendent will hold an informal conference for the purpose of discussion of the grievance.  The resolution of the grievance at this level will be in writing.

Level 3:  School Board

Complaints that remain unresolved following any action of the superintendent may be referred in writing to the school board for review.  The board’s decision will be final unless an appeal is made to another agency.  The resolution of the grievance at this level will be in writing.


The school board’s decision will be final unless an appeal is requested to an outside agency.  On all three levels, an informal conference is to be held within five days of the date of filing of the complaint and no student’s complaint shall consume more than 15 days time in all.  The burden of proof is upon the student to show that a rule or application is unfair or discriminatory.  The resolution of the grievance is to be in writing at level two and three.



Two pay phones are located in the west concourse hallway for student use.  Office phones will be used only for school business.



Transcripts are legal documents and require a signature for release.  Students who are 18 years or older must sign for the transcript themselves.  A parent may release transcripts if the student is younger than 18.  Transcript release cards are located in the principal’s officeA student must sign each time they require a transcript to be released.  Students or graduates who no longer live in Watertown may write (PO Box 730) or fax (605-882-6327) their request to the registrar.  An e-mail will be accepted only if the signature has been scanned into the request.  Info needed:  Name (if married, also need maiden name), year of graduation, where to mail or fax the transcript (WHS has a directory of college addresses), and signature.


We do not charge for the release of transcripts.  Students may request as many copies as necessary.  Generally speaking, colleges will not accept a transcript if it is not sent directly from the high school.  Every effort is made to send out the transcript on the same day the request is received.  All final transcripts for South Dakota state funded universities are sent to the Enrollment Service Center in Vermillion.  They are not sent directly to the university.  Questions should be directed to the ESC 1-800-404-1547.



Vending machines in the cafeteria are not the property of Watertown High School.  If you are having a problem with a machine or have lost money, you will need to complete documentation in the principal’s office to correct the matter.  You will not be reimbursed until the vending company responds to your request.  Some vending machines will be turned off during the breakfast and lunch periods because of state health regulations.  Vending machines may also be turned off if they are abused or if the cafeteria becomes littered.



We welcome visitors who have legitimate business at the school.  Visitors and guests are to register in the Assistant Principals’ Office immediately upon entering the building.  Parents are always welcome to visit.  It is usually best to call ahead for an appointment with the administrator, teacher or counselor with whom you want to meet.  Students from other school districts wishing to visit Watertown Senior High must obtain written permission from teachers prior to the visit.  The written permission slip must then be turned in to an assistant principal.



Students wishing to withdraw from school should have their parents contact the school.  The students will then be given a withdrawal form which must be signed by each individual teacher who will record the current grade and any fees that are due.  Withdrawal forms may be obtained from the counselors or assistant principals.



A work permit allows a junior or senior student to leave the building to attend work rather than attending a study hall.  The following restrictions must be met before a student may apply for a work permit.

1.      Students must be classified as juniors.

2.      Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA.

3.      Attendance must be satisfactory.

4.      The student must be able to provide a copy of a work schedule with an employer’s signature and telephone number.

5.      Employment hours must coincide with the student’s class schedule without altering the schedule.

6.      A parent/student/principal conference must be held before issuing a Work Permit.

Application for Work Permits should be arranged during the first 2 weeks of each quarter in the assistant principal’s office.