Watertown Senior High School’s Uniform Code of Behavior has been developed by a Faculty/Student Committee.  The Code contains three parts:

1.      A statement of appropriate behavior that is to be demonstrated at all times by all students.

2.      A description of inappropriate behavior that, if practiced, will lead to;

3.      A progressive level of consequences for inappropriate behavior.

Students are expected to read, understand, and follow the Uniform Code of Behavior.  Both the expectations and the consequences of this document are practiced at Watertown Senior High School.


Due Process:  Students shall be afforded the rights of fair procedure or due process; this includes the right to the following actions:

1.      Be informed of conduct which would result in disciplinary action against the student

2.      Notice of any rules violations

3.      Explanation of the evidence supporting the charge

4.      An opportunity to present the student’s side of the story

5.      A penalty that is proportionate to the violation

If the student and parent/guardian would like to request a copy of the due process hearing procedures, they can stop in the high school office and receive a copy.


“The students of WHS are expected to:”

1.      Demonstrate respect for each other through language and actions.

2.      Follow school rules and/or cooperate with the Student Senate and faculty to change rules.

3.      Attend school daily prepared to learn.

4.      Practice honesty, fairness and consistency in all of their efforts and relationships.

5.      Preserve school and personal property.

6.   Practice and encourage the acceptance of individual differences.

Because it is not possible to list every inappropriate behavior that occurs, the administration and staff reserve the right to administer alternative consequences to inappropriate behaviors not included in this code.