Eating Disorders

About 1% of female adolescents have anorexia.  Approximately one out of one hundred women between the ages 10 and 20 are starving themselves.  Anorexia nervosa involves deliberately becoming thin by extreme restriction of calories, excessive exercise, use of laxatives or vomiting.  About 4% of college-aged women have bulimia.  A common characteristic of bulimia nervosa is secretive binge eating.  During a binge the person feels out of control of their eating.  These binges are typically followed by self-induced vomiting or laxative use. 


  Characteristics of Anorexia

     Characteristics of Bulimia

  Refusal to maintain recommended body weight      Frequent overeating
  Preoccupied with food, calories, and nutritional values      Normal or near normal weight

  Denying hunger or complaining of feeling fat after eating

  normal amounts of food

     Secretive behaviors when eating.  May disappear

     after eating meals.

  Has rituals when eating or strange eating behaviors      Feeling out of control when binging
  Loss of menstrual period  

  Engaging in excessive exercise or dieting when not


  Frequent Weighing  

Other Symptoms of eating disorders include:

Headaches Dizziness Passing Out
Dental Problems Loss of periods

Frequently cold

Loss of hair Vomiting blood Depression

If you think you or someone you know has an eating disorder, please seek help.  Contact a school counselor, a teacher, a doctor,  a nurse, or a minister for help or more information. 

Useful links for more information on Eating Disorders



Depression is a mood disorder characterized by one of more of the following symptoms:


Feeling sad, empty or numb Loss of appetite or excessive eating
A decrease in enjoyment of activities which were pleasurable in the past Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
Fatigue or loss of energy Difficulty concentrating or difficulty making decisions
Social withdrawal Suicidal thoughts, gestures, or plans
Feelings of worthlessness and/or inappropriate guilt Feelings of hopelessness
Low self-esteem Grief issues (unresolved)
Psychomotor agitation or retardation Alcohol or drug use

How do you know if you are depressed?

You have one or more of the symptoms listed above

Your career, social and or personal life has been affected

Other individuals in your life have commented about a change in mood

Useful links for more information on depression



Warning signs of suicide include...

Talking, reading or writing about suicide or death

Talking about feeling worthless or helpless

Saying things like: "I'm going to kill myself," "I wish I were never born," or "I shouldn't have been born"

Visiting or calling people to say goodbye

Giving away possessions; returning borrowed items

Organizing or cleaning bedroom

Self-destructive behavior like self-cutting