Students will need 24 credits to earn a diploma and graduation privileges. To earn a high school diploma and graduate from WHS the following number of credits must be earned in each subject area:


                                    2009                2010                2011            2012

English                                                 4                        4                       4                    4

Speech / Debate                                 0.5                    0.5                    0.5                 0.5

Mathematics                                        3                        3                       3                    3

Science                                                3                        3                       3                    3

Social Studies                                     3.5                     3.5                   3.5                 3.5

Economics or Personal Finance       0.0                     0.5                   0.5                 0.5

Computer Science                              0.5                     0.5                   0.5                 0.5

Fine Arts                                               1                        1                      1                     1

Health and Wellness                            0.5                     0.5                   0.5                 0.5

Elective Courses                                  8                        7.5                   7.5                 7.5      

Total Credits Required

for Graduation                                24                          24                     24                    24