Asking for Clarification
Look at the person.
Ask if he or she has time to talk. Don’t interrupt.
Use a pleasant or neutral tone of voice.
Specifically state what you are confused about. Begin with “I was wondering if…” or “Could I ask about…?”
Listen to the other person’s reply and acknowledge the answer.
Thank the person for his or her time.
Completing Tasks
Listen carefully to instructions or directions for the task.
Assemble the necessary tools or materials needed for the task.
Begin working carefully and neatly.
Remain focused on the task until it is completed.
Examine the product of your work to make sure it is complete.
Check back with the person who assigned the task.
Getting the Teacher’s Attention
Look at the teacher.
Raise your hand calmly.
Wait to be acknowledged by the teacher.
Ask questions or make requests in a calm voice.
Being Prepared for Class
Gather all necessary books, papers, homework, and writing implements.
Be on time for class.
Present homework and assignments when the teacher asks for them.
Write down assignments and homework to complete.
Complying with School Dress Code
Know the clothing limits of your school.
Choose clothing that matches those limits.
Do not tear or write on your clothing at school
Do not change what you are wearing to school (add or subtract clothing) without telling the adults who are responsible for you.
Being Patient
Sit or stand quietly.
Wait until your turn or until you are called on
Avoid making loud complaints or becoming angry.
Disagree appropriately later on.
Choosing Appropriate Words to Say
Look at the situation and the people around you.
Know the meanings of words you are about to say.
Refrain from using words that will offend people around you or that they will not understand.
Avoid using slang, profanity, or words that could have a sexual meaning.
Decide what thought you want to put into words and then say the words.
Ignoring Distractions By Others
Try not to look at people who are being distracting.
Stay focused on your work or task.
Do not respond to questions, teasing, or giggling.
If necessary, report this behavior to a nearby adult or authority figure.
Advocating for Oneself
Identify a situation in which you should advocate for yourself.
Remember to remain calm and use a pleasant or neutral voice tone.
Describe your point of view or the outcome you desire.
Give reasons for advocating for yourself.
Thank the person for listening.
Dealing with Embarrassing Situations
Think ahead to avoid as many embarrassments as possible.
When embarrassed, remain calm and monitor your feelings and behavior.
Continue to breathe deeply and relax.
If possible, laugh at yourself and forget about the embarrassing situation.
Otherwise, remove yourself from the situation in order to collect your thoughts and to relax.
Accepting Decisions of Authority
Look at the person.
Remain calm and monitor your feelings and behavior.
Use a pleasant or neutral tone of voice.
Acknowledge the decision by saying “Okay” or “Yes, I understand.”
If you disagree, do so at a later time.
Refrain from arguing, putting, or becoming angry.
Interrupting Appropriately
If you must interrupt a person’s conversation or phone call, stand where you can be seen.
Wait for that person to acknowledge you or signal for you to come back later.
When it’s time for you to speak, begin with “Excuse me for interrupting, but…”
Be specific and to the point with your request or information.
Thank the person for his or her time.
Organizing Tasks and Activities
List all tasks you are required to do.
Prioritize tasks based on importance and your abilities and time.
Complete tasks in the order of priority.
Manage your time well and avoid putting off tasks until the last minute.
Waiting your Turn
Sit or stand quietly.
Keep your arms and legs still. Do not fidget.
Avoid sighing, whining, or begging.
Engage in the activity when directed to do so by an adult.
Thank the person who gives you a turn.
Making new Friends
Look at the potential new friend.
Use a pleasant voice and introduce yourself.
Share some of your interests and hobbies.
Listen to the other person’s name and areas of interest.
Plan appropriate activities with permission.
Accepting Apologies from Others
Look at the person who is apologizing.
Listen to what he or she is saying.
Remain calm, Refrain from making sarcastic statements.
Thank the person for the apology; say “Thanks for saying ‘I’m sorry’” or “That’s okay.”
Giving Compliments
Look at the person you are complimenting.
Speak with a clear, enthusiastic voice.
Praise the person’s activity or project specifically. Tell him or her exactly what you like about it.
Use words such as “That’s great,” “Wonderful,” or “That was awesome.”
Give the other person time to respond to your compliment.
Saying “No” Assertively
Look at the person.
Use a clear, firm voice tone.
Say “No, I don’t want…”
Request that the person leave you alone.
Remain calm, but serious.
If necessary, remove yourself form the situation.
Contributing to Discussions
(Joining in a conversation)
Look at the people who are talking.
Wait for a point when no one else is talking.
Make a short appropriate comment that relates to the topic being discussed.
Choose words that will not be offensive or confusing to others.
Give other people a chance to participate.
Caring for Other’s Property
Use others’ property only with their permission.
Make an appropriate request if you want to use something that belongs to another person.
Use others’ property only as it is supposed to be used or according to instructions.
Take care of others’ property as if it was your own.
If something gets broken, apologize and offer to replace it.
Displaying Sportsmanship
Play fair and according to the rules.
Avoid fighting or criticizing others.
Remember to accept winning appropriately without bragging.
Remember to accept losing appropriately without bragging.
Remember to accept losing appropriately without pouting or complaining.
Thank the person for helping you.
Asking for Help
Look at the person.
Ask the person if he or she has time to help you (now or later).
Clearly describe the problem or what kind of help you need.
Thank the person for helping you.
Compromising with Others
Identify disagreement before they get out of hand.
Suggest alternative activities that you and your peer could agree to do.
Listen to what your peer suggests.
Remain calm and continue to talk about a compromise.
Look at the person.
Use a clear, enthusiastic voice tone.
Ask to volunteer for a specific activity or task.
Thank the person and check back when the task is completed.
Participating in Group Discussion
Enter into the discussion enthusiastically.
Give freely of your experience.
Allow and encourage others to contribute.
Listen attentively. Feel free to ask questions.
Appreciate the other person’s point of view.
Keep confidences and assume others will.
Practice learned skills.
Follow established timeframes.
Provide constructive feedback and receive it willingly.