Welcome to the JEFFERSON JAGUARS Elementary website!
Jefferson Elementary was built in 1996 and is home to approximately
490 students grades K-6. Jefferson Elementary focuses on excellence
and pride. All students are welcomed and challenged. The Jefferson
Elementary Staff provides our students with the best education
possible. We are committed to the mission of the district, enabling
all students to succeed in an ever-changing world.
Jefferson Elementary has high academic achievement, strong
extracurricular programs, and a strong Parent/Teacher Organization.
Community support is incredible. Parents are encouraged to become
involved in Jefferson Elementary School. The Parent-Teacher
Organization (PTO) offers many opportunities for volunteer services.
You may also volunteer in your childs classroom.
Technology plays an integral part of instruction. We are continually
increasing the use of technology at all grade levels. Technology is
important for our students to understand in order to succeed in the
world of work and post-secondary education.
Social skill training and positive behavior management are stressed
in classrooms. Social skills are taught and practiced on a daily
basis. All staff members have been trained how to teach and
reinforce acceptable social skills.
Thank you for visiting our schools website. Feel free to contact me
if you have any questions about our building or the services we
offer at Jefferson Elementary. Again, welcome to our school!
Mrs. Laura Morrow
Jefferson Elementary Principal
***Education is a partnership between home and school. As parents
and educators work together, we will see each of our students reach
and attain the following beliefs.
Jefferson Elementary School
Belief Statements
We believe all students:
can learn and succeed.
should feel safe, accepted and respected at school.
are able to develop and utilize positive social skills.
need positive role models
need clear expectations, challenges, and structure.
need to have ownership in their learning and accountability for
their actions.
are influenced by home, peers, teachers and the world around them.
are unique with different needs and strengths.
perceive success differently.
We believe all staff members:
will have knowledge of curriculum, state standards, district
expectations, and current research.
will have a positive impact on the whole child (academic,
emotional, behavioral, social).
will create a supportive, encouraging, and positive environment
(nurturing, trusting, safe and
will foster a love/passion for learning.
will give students an opportunity to read independently from books
of own choosing, interest,
and ability level.
have multiple talents and abilities.
will meet students needs through a variety of instructional
methods and styles.
are positive role models for students.
have the responsibility to communicate with parents and staff.
will make learning authentic to fit our changing world.
will cooperate effectively with staff, students, parents and
will challenge students to reach their highest potential.
We believe all parents and community members:
need to have a positive and supportive partnership with staff.
will actively support student learning outside the school day.
will help to make education a high priority.
want all students to be treated with respect.
need to help protect our children.
have a right to have a voice, be involved and informed.
should feel welcome in our school.
are a valued resource.
are role models.
Developed and written July 27, 2007
Revised August 11, 2008
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The Watertown School District makes available our
Parent Involvement Letter and
the Title Complaint
Policy. Click on each to view.