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Forensics is the overall title that covers several competitive speech activities, which are enumerated below. Forensics is a major academic activity for students in Watertown High School. The College Board Organization, which administers the Scholastic Aptitude Test that is used for college admission, has concluded that active participation in forensic activities is the best predictor for success in college. Competition begins in October and runs into February. Based upon preparation, practice attitude and responsibility, many students will have the opportunity to compete in two-day tournaments where the squad stays overnight.


Oral Interpretation

Oral Interpretation is a term that covers several separate categories. Unlike the other forensic events, interp is not self-originated for content but rather relies upon literature written by other people. Interp selections should be between 8 and 10 minutes in length, whatever the category; dramatic, humorous, poetry, pros, duet or oratorical. Contests are judged by experienced coaches or college students. It is not necessary to take 9th grade debate class or English 10D to interp, but most interpers do take these classes. Practice for interp commences immediately after the start of school. At the end of November, the interp events centralize to dramatic and humorous.

Advisor: Scott Walker


Team Debate

Two students compete on a team. Each year a new topic of national or international significance is debated. Students compete against teams from other schools across the Upper Plains. Debates are judged by experienced coaches on the varsity level, college students, or by experienced students on the novice level. Students interested in this rewarding activity should take the semester debate option on the 9th grade level, followed by English 10D on the 10th grade level. It is possible to start team debate on the 10th grade level. Students prepare and practice regularly, commencing with the start of school in September.

Advisor: Scott Walker


Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Each student is an individual team, competing against students from other schools across the Upper Plains. These debaters are judged by experienced coaches or college students, so students interested in Lincoln-Douglas debate should have a background in team debate because the fundamental skills are the same. Competition in Lincoln-Douglas debate begins in 10th grade. Students prepare and practice regularly, commencing soon after the start of school in September.

Advisor: Scott Walker



A shortened term for extemporaneous speaking, Extemp is an individual speaking activity that utilizes major national and international events as its subject matter. Students draw three topics, choose one of the three, and have approximately 30 minutes to prepare a 4-7 minute speech that answers the topic. Files of information are accumulated by the squad and used in preparation. Students compete against other students from schools across the Great Plains. Contests are judged by experienced coaches or college students. On the inexperienced level, extemp preparation, practice and competition are a part of 9th grade debate class or English 10D. Students prepare and practice regularly, commencing soon after the start of school in September.

Advisor: Scott Walker


Original Oratory

Original Oratory is an individual speaking activity that requires a polished written speech that is memorized. The speech should be between 8 and 10 minutes in length, on a socially significant subject. Students compete against other students from schools across the Great Plains. Contests are judged by experienced coaches or college students. On the inexperienced level, oratory preparation, practice and competition are a part of 9th grade debate class or English 10D.Students write their speeches in September or October and commence competition in November.

Advisor: Scott Walker


National Forensic League (NFL)

The National Forensic League is a national organization that provides degrees and awards for excellence in forensic events, including the national tournament. Students earn points, related to performance, by competing in the forensic events. Virtually all active students join the National Forensic League because of the degrees available, because each membership helps the overall team, and because the National Forensic League is a highly regarded addition to the permanent record.

Advisor: Scott Walker