The title
"All-State Journalist" is earned by attending the South Dakota Press
Association camp in Brookings each summer.
Students attending the 5 day camp write many stories, work on editing
skills and learn layout and design. They earn ratings
and points for each assignment, and the 5 day total determines their
All-State rank. All-State Journalists are often chosen
for the Editor in Chief position. Camp applicants must take Journalism
I and be a junior or senior for the upcoming year.
Focus of the camp can be in areas of writing, layout or photography.
Shanon Manley
Arrow Yearbook
The Arrow
Yearbook is produced by the Arrow Staff, which consists of 16 students
of all grade levels. Additionally, the Arrow Editor
is the individual (s) who presides over the production of the
yearbook. Selection of these positions is made by the
advisor. Interested students should contact the Arrow Yearbook Advisor
during September.
Advisor: Dodie
Editor in
Chief and Editorial Board Positions
applying for the entirely extra-curricular and very demanding position
of Editor in Chief must meet the following criteria:
senior year in high school, attend journalism camp, and complete
Journalism I and II. Applicants should be strong leaders, good
organizers and have solid writing and editing skills. Generally, there
are 1-3 Editors in Chief chosen each year. The
editorial board also has positions available in the areas of
Production Editor, Managing Editor and Photo Editor.
Shanon Manley
Purple and
Gold Staff
The support
staff of the Watertown High School Newspaper, including staff writers,
photographers and page editors, is supplied by
the Journalism II class. Students must take Journalism I and earn an A
or B or get the teacher’s permission to be on the
staff. It is a class which is also extra-curricular in that it often
entails long hours during deadline week. Students who
are looking to improve writing skills and learn about computer design
will be well suited to choose to pursue it after
taking Journalism II. At this time, they can apply for editorial board
positions (see editorial board description).
Shanon Manley