Class Officers
Class Officers
are elected to lead and organize class projects. Elections for the
offices of president, vice-president, secretary and
treasurer are held for the senior and junior class in the spring. Students must
petition and interview to place their name on the ballot for
election. Class Officers automatically become representatives on the Student
Advisors: Brad
Brandsrud, Troy Terronez & Brad Heesch
Student Senate
The Student
Senate exists to lead and organize school projects, represent the
student voice, assist with school-wide
decision-making processes, and generally make WHS a more enjoyable
place to attend. The Student Senate consists of members who have
been elected by their class or members who have volunteered to serve
their school. Students must petition and interview to place their
name on the ballot for election each spring. Student Senate
meets on a regular basis approximately twice a month. Members
of the Senate are responsible for organizing Ki-Yi homecoming events
as well as other activities throughout the school year.
Advisors: Brad
Brandsrud, Troy Terronez & Brad Heesch |