Lincoln Elementary School 

   Watertown, South Dakota

   "Enabling All Students to Succeed in an Ever-Changing World"

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School Supply List 2010/2011

General Information

School Supplies

Each grade level requires somewhat different materials. The list for each grade can be seen by clicking on "School Supplies" and is also available from the office and posted in many of the local stores each fall.


Parents often wish to send a treat to class for their child's birthday. Please make these arrangements with the teacher. The school district recognizes two times during the year for special parties: Christmas and Valentine's Day. Treats are provided by room mothers at the teacher's request.

Note: Because of the potential for causing "hard feelings" between classmates, we do not allow students to pass out birthday invitations at school.

Flowers and Balloons

We discourage deliveries of flowers or gifts for students during the school day.  When these items are delivered to school for students they are kept in the office and the person will be notified that the surprise may be picked up after school. We recognize that birthdays are special, but we ask that parents not take flowers or balloons to their child in the classroom - please bring them to the office. We also are a latex free school - due to the danger of latex allergic reaction.


Field Trips

Students may be involved in educational field trips during the year. Parents will be notified by notes from the teacher of upcoming field trips. The note will explain the purpose, date and time of the event.

Change of Residence, Telephone Number or Transfer

If you change your address or email address, telephone number, cell phone number or parent's work number, please notify the secretary as soon as possible. (Also keep us up to date on any change of emergency phone numbers in order that we may reach you quickly if necessary.)

If you move to an address outside of the Lincoln attendance area, you have the choice of remaining at Lincoln until the end of the year or enrolling in the school located in your new attendance area. Please notify us in either case.

School Phone

The school phone is for business purposes. Children with a legitimate reason may use it with a note from their teacher. Teachers and students will not be called from class to answer the telephone except in the case of an emergency. Telephone messages will be delivered. Please call as early as possible in this case, BEFORE 3:00 p.m. please!

Health and Medication

Medication Permission Forms


Note: We ask that most prescriptions for common/minor childhood diseases or infections be given at home. Your physician can help you determine the appropriate times. The school nurse is only at Lincoln on Tuesday mornings and on call for emergencies. We are limited in time and personnel for dispensing medicines. Generally we have 20 to 30 that we are required to give on a daily basis and any additional medicines for minor problems become overwhelming for the staff. Thank you for your understanding!


Parents are requested to give medication at home whenever possible.  If it becomes necessary to administer medication to students during school hours, the following regulations will be observed:

  1. Medication to be administered must be prescribed by a licensed medical professional..  The school may contact the professional as necessary.

  2. Medication to be administered by school personnel must be provided in the prescription container with the prescription attached.  Medication improperly packaged or labeled will not be administered.

  3. Parents or guardian must provide the information requested on the Parent Medication Request form and sign the form granting the school permission to administer the medication.  Forms are available in the Principal's Office.

Other Health Issues

  1. Students should not be in school if they have a fever, sore throat, upset stomach, rash, or other indications of illness.

  2. All communicable diseases should be reported to the school office.

If your child is injured, the staff will take whatever steps necessary to provide the needed medical attention and care. These steps include, but are not limited to the following:

Attempt to contact the parent or guardian listed on the emergency information you provide for us. If we cannot reach you, we will do any or all of the following:

  • Administer emergency first aid

  • Attempt to contact the child's physician

  • Have the child taken to an emergency room of the hospital by the ambulance. (The police department will be called in this case.)

School Accident Insurance Policy

The Watertown Public School annually gives parents the opportunity to purchase accident insurance.  Accident insurance claim forms are available at the Principal's Office for families who have purchased insurance.