are available for classroom use - Lincoln School has mobile,
wireless computers available for classroom use.
Computer System - Lincoln School is hooked on a network
that allows access to a district server. T1 line allows easy
and fast networking while using internet and email. Email is
only allowed for staff. Internet is allowed for students, but
only under teacher monitored situations.
Internet/CD Rom Computers - Computers at Lincoln all have
internet and CD Rom capabilities.
Projector Presentation Systems - Lincoln School has an
L.C.D. projection systems and Presentation systems in classrooms.
Circulation System - Lincoln Library circulation system
allows for easy check-out of material and for classroom
children and teachers to use their classroom computers to gain
access to what material is available in the library. The
library also has a mini-lab of Apple computers for project
Reading and Math Program - Lincoln School uses the
STAR Math and Reading program to test children each quarter on
reading and math skills to show growth and determine ways to
assist children.
Accelerated Reading Program
- Lincoln School has adopted and utilizes the Accelerated
Reading Program. Children check-out library books from our
school or Watertown Regional Library and can then take a
computerized comprehension test over the book they read.
Children can see their reading growth and earn points for
each book they read.
Software for Teacher and Student Use - Lincoln School uses
specific district software for teacher and student use.
Hardware updates are handled on a cycle approach outlined in
the District Technology Plan.